Monday, August 31, 2009

hi abby..haha..

That's jay-ar, my friend..hhe..his on the beach.

jay-ar and me...

T.L.E Observation Tour

This was the expression of us, third year students, when we went to different places in Camarines Norte last August 29, 2009. Aside from amazement, we also experienced joy and some sort of irritation.
We assembled and wait for others in CSNHS Liboton Annex at about 6:00 am. Together with Mr. Cesar Arriola and the other students of III-Alfelor,we started the trip at about 7:00 am. On our way to the first destination, we saw different sceneries and things that called up our attention.
Our first destination was the Basud National High School at Basud, Camarines Norte. When we got there, we received a "hot welcome" instead of warm. hehe. It is very hot and the sun's rays irritate our skin and make our sweats fall. haha. that's why I call it as "hot welcome". Anyway, even that's one of the irritations we've felt, we were flattered by the way the principal welcomed and greeted us. He discussed about the school, its curriculums and other. We also went to iuts annex... it made me so amazed by the huge place. I didn't expect that the annex was bigger than the main campus. (If I were the principal, I will make it as the main campus.hehe.) The place was cute. I was very happy for the students that greeted us and waited us just to say "hi" or "hello". There are rooms or particular place on the annex w/ different features of technology and livelihood . Examples are dress making or sewing, automotive and agriculture.
Next stop... Tinapahan Factory or the "Smoked-Fish Factory". I was irritated by the smell and because of asthma, I didn't stay inside at a longer period of time. Some of our classmates bought tinapa and even Sir Arriola. I guess he will give it to his only Love- Ma'am Arriola.hehe..(peace sir!).
After that hot business we really enjoyed the warm breeze in Bagasbas Beach at Mercedes, Camarines Sur. We also ate our lunch there. I was so annoyed because of the wave that made my skirt and shoes wet. Hay! what a tour? I was so happy.
On the road, we passed the Ostrich Farm... there are many ostrich and they're so cute.hehehe.
We went to Camarines Norte State College and we saw different agricultural crops. I also had a friend...she is a big mother goat.haha..she's Madam Goat.hehe.
At last, we went to Pineapple Plantation... actually it is not a plantation there are some stuffs that are made of pineapple like frozen juice and pineapple is for sale that's why i didn't attempt to buy.haha.
And finally, home sweet home..haha...what a tiring day?..but I really enjoyed the tour..Thanks for my classmates because of a happy bonding and for my true friend Vibien for sharing her "baon" with me..hehe.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

We as Science Oriented Students of Camarines Sur National High School

Science Oriented Students!!...Yes..that’s us!.

When we talk about science oriented curriculum or Engineering and Science Education Curriculum in Naga City…we are referring to Science Oriented Students of Camarines Sur National High School. This curriculum consists of students with good performance in Academics…speaking of academics, we S.O. Students didn’t necessarily mean to be good in all subjects.. we have our own knowledge in each subject and through our teachers we are developing our skills in other subjects to perform the same way as of our favorite subjects or to the subjects that we are good at. Some says S.O. students should be a good model to the other students of Camhy.. because we are considered students in the highest section and of course the “cream of the crop in our school” yes! that’s true.. we should be…but for some instance they don’t understand our behavior…sometimes we are so noisy and always comparing us to other curriculums (BEC, SPA, SPS, FFC)…they say that we are like animals on the jungle because of our noisiness. but I guess that’s our way of relaxing and taking away our stress because of too many works.. and of course the bonding as “classmates and friends”. It is a great challenge for us to maintain a grade equal or greater than 85 and giving the school awards for the achievements we really really want to achieve.

For those people who think that Science Oriented Students like me doesn’t show respect to anyone and is very boastful for where we are now,,, I just want to say this “We are doing our best for our school, for our family and for our friends.. i guess it is not right to judge us according to what you are thinking about us.. i know we are only an ordinary people like you and being a student is really hard…we commit mistakes and not perfect to be a good model.. but for sure we are doing our best that we can to show to you all that we deserve the position we are right now”.

That’s all..